- Susanne Johnson-Berns
September Meeting
SWSC September Meeting
9/14/17 pm @ Guston’s 16 members present
Meeting called to order by Scott 7:57 at p.m. Waived reading of August minutes. Minutes will be posted on the website on the blog.
Commodore: Scott reported it has been a quiet last 2 months. We talked about the past couple of get togethers.
Vice Commodore: Half Yard makeup possibly 9/23. Joy contacted someone at Army Corps of Engineers about getting a permit to put a memorial bench on the property.
Fleet captain: Ed absent. Joy announced upcoming race 9/16 @ 11 a.m.
Purser: Balance $2149.44 as of 8/31/17.
Raft up: 9/23 Italian raft up meet between 4-6, dinner @ 6.; 10/7 Octoberfest will be rescheduled. Dinner @ 5 for Octoberfest. We will do the chili-cook-off 10/7.
Sea Scouts: 9/30 Koch Cup
Foghorn: Brad absent.
Old Business: Commodore’s Ball location has been secured.
New Business: Nomination of officers discussed. Scott would like to step down as Commodore. Voting will be at the October meeting.
Membership: Bob and Dolores joined the club.
Meeting adjourned at 8:31 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Laura Widmier, Yeoman