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August 2021 Meeting

Commodore Mike welcomed everyone, we had 4 new members attend, Melanie and Paul , and Chris and his son Andrew who sailed a Hunter 25. They shared why they came to the club and a little about their sailing experiance.

Reading of the Minutes was waived

Vice Commodore Renae discussed the need for hosts for the picnic and the raft ups.

Themes for the raft up

What Picnics should remain was asked?

She mentioned the calendar and upcoming events for Aug to December

Fleet Captain Tonia was unable to attend but had submitted the results of the summer series, with Andi in the lead, followed by Susanne

She remained the importance of replies to E-vites so we know how much space we have to accommodate crew

The Purser was also traveling and unavailable but the current balance was reported as 2410.00 $

Mike asked about old/ new business and the T-shirts came up again, we will look into some designs.

Mike adjourned the meeting


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