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September 2018 Minutes

SWSC September Meeting

9/13/18 pm @ Guston’s 20 members present

Meeting called to order by Steve at 8:00 p.m. Waived reading of August minutes. Minutes are posted on the website under “Club News”.

Commodore: Steve shared there are lots of activities coming up. Keep your eyes on the calendar.

Vice Commodore: Brad reported that we had a couple of “sail days”. Fall cruise idea is to go up to AYC and do a cookout there the first night (Oct.26).

Fleet captain: Susanne reported that this Saturday will be our first Fall Race at 10 a.m. Oct. 6th will be the second Fall Race. She brought name tags for everyone to wear at our club meetings.

Purser: Ardythe reported the balance is $2347.34 as of 9/13/18.

Raft up: Joe shared that the September raft ups we meet between 4-6. This Saturday is the Pirate Raft Up. The Octoberfest Raft Up has been changed to 9/22 (from the 29th).

Sea Scouts: No report.

Foghorn: Please let Brad know if you aren’t getting emails or phone calls that are going out. Phone messages will be going out each week since we have a lot going on this next month.

Old Business: Tonight is the last night to order t-shirts. Brad will be meeting with AYC to finalize menu and Scott will be working on trivia for the Commodore’s Ball. Start looking for door prizes to donate.

New Business: Nominations of officers were made. Voting will be in October. Steve proposed that bylaws be amended to allow for more than a 2 year term for all officers positions except for Commodore. It was voted upon favorably. The proposal will be voted on again at the next meeting.

Membership: Mary’s surgery went well. Tim and Kim Wisner visited and joined our club tonight.

Meeting adjourned at 8:44 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Laura Widmier, Yeoman

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