- Susanne Johnson-Berns
March Meeting Minutes
SWSC March Meeting
3/8/18 pm @ Guston’s 18 members present
Meeting called to order by Steve at 8:00 p.m. Waived reading of Feb. minutes. Minutes are posted on the website on the blog.
Commodore: Steve talked about events coming up on the calendar and introduced the visitors.
Vice Commodore: Brad talked about the St.Patrick’s picnic on 3/17. Widmiers will host. Races--we have had 3 this year. The next race will be 3/24. Upcoming May 5th there is dragon boat fundraiser at Dallas Landing near downtown Acworth that we can participate in and also have our club represented.
Fleet captain: Susanne unable to attend, but she and Joy “facetimed” from Florida.
Purser: Balance $2077.15 as of 2/28/18. Dues to Ardythe ($50).
Raft up: Joe has 9 raft up dates scheduled. See Joe if you’d like to sign up to host- there are 4 dates open. Calendar will be on the website.
Sea Scouts: Neil reported that their April Carabell trip will be moved to June. Adding boats to their fleet and painting. Recruitment time now. Car wash 3/24.
Foghorn: Brad and Mary are continuing the call-outs.
Old Business: May 19 Allatoona cruise.
New Business: None.
Membership: 3 visitors present.
Meeting adjourned at 8:32 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Laura Widmier, Yeoman