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Commodore's Ball

This past Saturday we had our annual Commodore's Ball at the beautiful Allatoona Yacht club. Three boats (Sam, Steve, and myself) braved the cold and windy forecast to journey from Harbortown Marina to the very nice guest dock to later become part of the party decorations with lights run up their masts. Brad Braswell, our hosts at Allatoona Yacht Club, started the Ball with a prayer and I described the Nauti trivia game and did the first round. Dinner was then served buffet style with some excellent pasta dishes.

After dinner, we awarded race trophies interspersed with door prizes and additional rounds of the Nauti-trivia game. Steve Gully had a great race year and sailed away with the most number of race trophies. Brad Braswell was awarded the Macy's cup for his exemplary service as our Foghorn chair, for opening his house several times for our parties, and for securing the Allatoona Yacht Club for our commodores ball. We concluded the Nauti trivia game with the top team receiving the prized bottle of Pusser's Rum. Finally, the 2018 officers were installed. Those officers are:

Commodore: Steve Gully

Vice Commodore: Brad Braswell

Fleet Captain: Susanne Johnson-Berns

Purser: Ardythe Ball

Yeoman: Laura Widmier

Some pictures from that night:

B Fleet skipper of the year: Joy!

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