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March Minutes

SWSC March Meeting

3/9/17 8:00 pm @ Guston’s

23 members present

Meeting called to order by Joy. Waived reading of Feb.minutes.

Commodore: Scott absent due to illness. Joy reported that the St.Patrick’s day picnic will be on 3/11. Widmiers have supplies. Meet at picnic point 5-8 pm. Bring dishes to share.

Vice Commodore: The Labor day picnic back on calendar.

Fleet captain: Ed absent. Spring races start 3/18.

Purser: Balance as of 2/28 $1756.83. Dues can be sent to Ardythe.

Raft up: Sign ups were sent around.

Sea Scouts: Gary reported about awards they have received. The group is in recruiting season. They have an O’Day 23 and a Capri 25 for sale.

Foghorn: Brad reported the first phone message will be the St.Pat’s picnic this weekend. Mary will be the “voice”.

Old Business: Brad reported that the Commodore’s ball date has been confirmed 11/11 at AYC. Anyone interested in helping organize, talk to Brad. On 7/23 we will meet at AYC as a group for lunch; there is a transit dock there.

New Business: If you have any news to share, email Joy and she will put it on the blog.

Membership: We had guests in attendance--Sean and Lauren and Mike and Georgann.

Larry updated the group on his health. He thanked Andy and Steve for keeping up with his boat.

Meeting adjourned at 8:37 pm .

Respectfully submitted, Laura Widmier, Yeoman

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