- Susanne Johnson-Berns
newsletter trial on the blog!
Hello to all! This is a great trial for me to start putting the newsletter on the blog....I encourage folks to enter articles for all to read.
Tomorrow we have our second meeting at our new location Gustons Bar and Grill - Butler Creek Kroger Plaza HWY 41 Acworth Georgia - 30101
6:30 - 8:30 pm
The holidays came and went so fast,,,,,our club had a wonderful Christmas Party at the Widmire home, including a white elephant gift exchange. I must say the gifts were so wonderful and thoughtfully chosen for the occasion. Its a must attend occasion for fun and food!
While writing this blog I managed to make the font so small I can't even read it as I am typing. This tablet I bought last fall is a POS! A new Computer is in the future at my house...probably after tax time.
Frostbite racing series is underway.. The races have lived up to their title, barely making the temperature and wind requirements established by the race committee. Ed will be posting on the website soon...