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August Meeting Minutes

8/7/18 pm @ Guston’s 26 members present

Meeting called to order by Steve at 8:00 p.m. Waived reading of July minutes. Minutes are posted on the website under “Club News”.

Commodore: Steve shared that this summer has been different with all the rain. He updated some news about some members. Labor Day picnic will be Sept.1 at 5 p.m. BBQ

Vice Commodore: Brad reported that Saturday is the Sailing Invitational- a casual get together. Commodore’s Ball at AYC in November on the 10th. The Yacht Club dinner was successful a couple of weeks ago.

Fleet captain: Susanne reported on the last race in July. No races in August. Steve hosted a few people to go over racing rules.

Purser: Ardythe reported the balance $2407.32; it has not changed from last month. SWSC patches are $2 and the stickers are $1.

Raft up: Joe shared there are 2 upcoming raftups. 8/11 Beatles with noodle race. 8/25 Potluck- no host.

Sea Scouts: Gary reported that his group has boats for sale. They continue to get new members. Carabell trip was this summer. They have started a relationship with the Coast Guard Auxiliary. Commodore’s Cup Invitational Oct. 5-6-7 by Cushing.

Foghorn: Please let Brad know if you aren’t getting emails or phone calls that are going out.

Old Business: Scott has gotten some shirt orders. The more ordered, the price will be lower.

New Business: Brad will be recruiting for the Commodore’s Ball. Mike made some business cards for the club to share with potential members. Next meeting we start making nominations for officers!

Membership: Steve shared news about Nick. Joy will be back on Saturday.

Meeting adjourned at 8:38 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Laura Widmier, Yeoman

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