- Susanne Johnson-Berns
October 2021 Meeting
Meeting was held on October 14th
Commodore Mike welcomed everyone in attendance and introduced the newcomers
reading of the past months minutes was waived
Vice Commodore Renae discussed the following events:
10-16-2021 Chili Cook Off at AYC, at 5:30pm participants to bring their best Chili and BYOB.
November 5-7, Fall Cruise, it begins at AYC for night one, Everyone is welcome, bring your own dinner. We will eat at about 6 PM. Drive in's are also welcome, if you do not have a boat to stay on, join in for this night. More Information to follow at a later time, including gate codes etc..
No Meeting in November
November 13th, Commodore Ball at AYC
Help is needed for set up
Help with a possible slide show, pictures needed
December 4th lights on the lake registration now open
Christmas Party to be determined , open for discussion
Fleet Captain Tonia discussed upcoming race, and past results
Ardythe discussed the current financial standings and budget
Commodore Mike opened the floor to old business and new business. The first item on the agenda was the annual election of officers. Since there was only one nominee for each position, we did not need to conduct a formal election. The following officers will lead the club for our 2021-2022 Season:
Commodore: Mike McKay, continuing in this role
Vice Commodore: Brad Braswell replacing Renae Gunter
Fleet Captain: Tonia Burk, continuing in this role
Yeoman: Susanne Johnson-Berns, continuing in this role
Purser: Chris Behnke replacing Ardythe Ball
Commodore Mike asked about any additional old business/new business. A motion to adjourn the meeting was raised and approved.