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October 2019 Meeting Minutes

October SWSC Monthly Meeting


Guston’s Grille

Meeting called to order by Steve at 7:42 p.m. 22 members and guests were present. Waived reading of the minutes.

Commodore’s report: Brad absent. Steve shared about participating in the Mississippi 110.

Vice Commodore’s report: Steve reported that the Fall Color Cruise is a good trip to look forward to every year. Brad is putting together the Friday night (11/1) get together including a bonfire. The rest of the weekend we sail toward the dam and then motor up behind Wildnerness Campground.

Fleet Captain’s report: Michael reported that we have a race (#4) this Saturday. Last Saturday there was too much wind to race. Next Saturday is the Chili Cook Off. 10/26 is the Turtle Rock Race. The weekend of 11/1-3 is the Fall Colors Cruise. The plan is to convene at the Allatoona Yacht Club and stay at the public dock overnight 11/1. 11/9 will be the Commodore’s Ball. Planning meeting next Thursday night at Brad’s.

Purser’s report: Ardythe reported the balance as of 10/10/19 is $2610.25.

Membership: We have 2 visitors tonight. Renae thanked the members for participating in the Raising Hope fundraiser. Terry Gill’s mother passed away about a month ago and her father passed last week.

Sea Scouts: Gary shared about their Commodore’s Cup. Ship 100 received 2nd place in the Coke Cup. Tim and Kim loaned one of the racing boats. Garrett proposed that any racers that need crew, be willing to invite a Sea Scout (14-18 year olds). They would like experience on bigger boats and to learn how to be good crew. Garrett would like to know how Sea Scouts can help the club.

Raft Ups: Joe thanked everyone for hosting the raft ups this year. Be thinking about themes for next year.

Old Business: Election of new officers. Moved and seconded that nominations be closed. Moved and seconded that the slate of officers be accepted. All were in agreement. New officers will be installed at the Commodore’s Ball.

New Business: Joe asked as a courtesy that we tell the management at Guston’s that we will not be here the next 2 months.

Meeting adjourned at 8:17 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Laura Widmier, Yeoman

Voted in:

Commodore- Brad Yeoman- Renae

Vice Commodore- Mike Pursur- Ardythe

Fleet Captain- Tanya

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