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September 2019 Meeting Minutes

September SWSC Monthly Meeting


Guston’s Grille

Meeting called to order by Brad at 7:32 p.m. 23 members and guests were present. Waived reading of the minutes.

Commodore’s report: Brad introduced our guests and reviewed the year so far.

Vice Commodore’s report: Steve absent. No report.

Fleet Captain’s report: Michael reported that the race Saturday turned into a lunch out due to no wind.

Purser’s report: Ardythe reported the balance as of 9/12/19 is $2535.25

Membership: Renae shared about Rescuing Hope and thanked the members for helping out.

Sea Scouts: Gary shared they will be having their Commodore’s Cup the end of this month. 3rd week in October is a weekend course about running a Sea Scouts Ship.

Raft Ups: Joe shared there are 3 more raftups this year. This weekend is the Pie Raftup hosted by the Widmiers 5-7 pm. 9/28 is the PIrate’s Raftup hosted by the Gullys meet 4-6 pm.. 10/5 is the Octoberfest Raftup hosted by the Kohlers.

Old Business: none

New Business: Commodore’s Ball is coming up November 8th. Renae volunteered to help Brad with planning, etc. Nominations of officers were made. We will vote at the next meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 8:09 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Laura Widmier, Yeoman

Nominations as of 9/12/19:

Ardythe -Purser

Renae -Yeoman

Tanya -fleet captain

Mike -Vice Commodore

Brad -Commodere

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