- Susanne Johnson-Berns
May 2019 Meeting Minutes
May SWSC Monthly Meeting
Guston’s Grille
Meeting called to order by Brad at 8:00 p.m. 21 members were present. Waived reading of the minutes.
Commodore’s report: Brad encouraged everyone to reply to the evites. There was a great turnout for the St Thomas Cruise.
Vice Commodore’s report: Steve reported about upcoming races.
Fleet Captain’s report: Mike was absent. Possibility of rain for the race Saturday- keep an eye out for update.
Purser’s report: Ardythe reported the balance as of today of $2255.99 . 2019 Membership dues are now due. $50.00 to Ardythe.
Membership: Scott updated everyone on their recent house fire.
Sea Scouts: none
Raft Ups: Gilligan's Island Theme May 18th, Tanya is hosting.
Old Business: Scott shared about the upcoming Florida 120.
New Business: none at this time
Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Laura Widmier, Yeoman