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January 2019 Minutes

January SWSC Monthly Meeting


Guston’s Grille

Meeting called to order by Brad at 7:50 p.m. 27 members were present. Waived reading of the minutes.

Commodore’s report: Brad had new visitors introduce themselves. He reminded all to wear your nametags. He encouraged everyone to attend the different activities we have available throughout the year.

Vice Commodore’s report: Steve reminded us that the schedule shows 4 race days per season on the calendar because if we have a bad weather day we will have another event such as a training. The committee will let you know by Friday before the Saturday race where we will meet (Lake vs. member’s home). Racing rules are on the website.

Fleet Captain’s report: Mike reported and shared about a great race they had last Saturday with competitive fleet B racing. Andy was the only fleet A racer. The next race is 1/19. Joy was the committee boat.

Purser’s report: Account balance $1470.69 as of 12/31/18. 2019 Membership dues are now due. $50.00 to Ardythe.

Membership: John and Joanne from Lake Arrowhead and Lynn from AYC; a former member has a motor for sale- Joe has the information; Scott also has motors for sale.

Sea Scouts: No report. Scott shared what the group is about with the visitors.

Raft Ups: Joe has the calendar made up for this year and asked for sign ups to host. If there is poor weather, we will still meet at dock A.

Old Business: None.

New Business: Brad asked if it was ok to keep AYC for the Commodore’s Ball. All were in agreement. He also talked about having “general sailing days” like last year. Scott suggested bringing back Thursday evening sailing races. Brad asked if there was interest in a Friday evening dinners at AYC. He suggested putting 3 of these on the calendar.

Meeting adjourned at 8:24 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Laura Widmier, Yeoman

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