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May meeting minutes

SWSC May Meeting

5/10/18 pm @ Guston’s 19 members present

Meeting called to order by Steve at 8:00 p.m. Waived reading of April minutes. Minutes are posted on the website under “Club News”.

Commodore: Steve shared information about his trip with Andy and Brian to the Dauphin Island Race and Mobile bay area.

Vice Commodore: Brad reported the Dragon Boat race was a success. Coming up is our first raft up. The next weekend will be the Cruise. Friday night we will meet at Allatoona Yacht Club and dock our boats at the transient dock. An evite will be sent tonight with the details including dinner information. Memorial Day picnic will be hosted by Joy. Our calendar is updated on the website.

Fleet captain: Susanne and Brad talked about the last few races. She will put out reminders about races. Steve shared the BEER cruise will be 6/15.

Purser: Ardythe reported for the last 2 months. Balance 3/1 2077.15, ending 4/30 $2447.15

Raft up: Joe absent, but the 1st raftup is 5/12 Momma’s Best hosted by the Widmiers. Bring a dish to share that your mother makes/made that was your favorite.

Sea Scouts: Neils reported their ship is taking a Carrabel trip in June. They’ve gotten 4 new members in the last month.

Foghorn: Please let Brad know if you aren’t getting emails or phone calls that are going out.

Old Business: Steve talked with the marina office about the old maintenance building. It isn’t being demolished or moved so the buoys can stay where they are.

New Business: none

Membership: none

Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Laura Widmier, Yeoman

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