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February Letter from the Commodore

It is actually the beginning of February but I wanted to catch members up on the happenings with the club. We had our first monthly club meeting at Guston's on Hwy 41 and the feedback I received from the members was great! The service, food, and private room all met or exceeded people's expectations. We had over 35 members in attendance which is above normal especially for a January meeting and I attribute some of that to moving the meetings back to Thursdays, an easier day of the week for people to attend. Our next club meeting is February 7th and will again be at Guston's on Hwy 41. Hope to see you there!

January 21st, the day of our scheduled first frostbite race, came with sever thunderstorm warnings. We want everyone to be safe and have fun so Joy and Ed postponed the race until January 28th. Meanwhile, the regatta committee met at J.D.'s BBQ on Bells Ferry to vote on the racing rules and race schedule. I will let our Vice Commodore, Joy, fill everyone in on the results though you can see the calendar of races by visiting the website. January 28th still brought high winds though not very frosty temps. Four boats got out on the water and raced 2 races but not without Jim running aground at the start. The second Frostbite happened on February 4th so you will have to wait for the next letter for updates on that.

Scott Widmier

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