Minutes March 11, 2021
Commodore Mike welcomed the new members, Maria who found us online, and Steve who purchased a 23 Cornada in slip E12.
Susanne was going to read last meetings minutes, but we voted not to read them and referred to the website for those who may want to read them.
Vice Commodore Renae updated on upcoming events:
St Patrick's Day Picnic with the reminder to bring your own dinner and BYOB as well as a chair, as we continue not to share food.
First Reminder of the scheduled St Thomas Cruise April 23-25, she discussed the details of each night.
The Memorial Day Picnic will now be a AYC Dinner, Friday May 28th.
She also reminded that there will be a boat salvage day for the boats leaving the marina, day TBD.
Tonia the Fleet Captain updated the race results. She reminded that many new members do not have boats and are looking to crew.
Ardythe read the budget numbers and discussed the dues and payment options.
Commodore Mike opened the floor for questions, and or old or new business, and then adjourned the meeting.