- Susanne Johnson-Berns
August Meeting Minutes
August SWSC Monthly Meeting
Guston’s Grille
Meeting called to order by Brad at 7:50 p.m. 24 members and guests were present. Waived reading of the minutes.
Commodore’s report: Brad introduced our guests and shared about the AYC dinner.
Vice Commodore’s report: Steve is out of town. No report.
Fleet Captain’s report: Michael reported that the wind has not cooperated with the race days. He shared results from previous races.
Purser’s report: Ardythe reported the balance as of $2232.93. We have 21 paid members.
Sea Scouts: None
Raft Ups: Joe shared there 2 raftups coming up before our next meeting. Cajun raftup this weekend 8/10 and a 8/24 potluck. There will be two more in September and one in October.
Old Business: None
New Business: Labor Day Picnic 8/31.
Meeting adjourned at 8:03 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Laura Widmier, Yeoman