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August Meeting Minutes

SWSC August Meeting

8/10/17 pm @ Guston’s 23 members present and a guest family of 3.

Meeting called to order by Scott at 7:56 p.m. Waived reading of July minutes. Minutes will be posted on the website on the blog.

Commodore: Scott reviewed past events the club has hosted. The Labor Day Picnic will be 9/2; we are looking for a host.

Vice Commodore: Joy would like to make up the Bitter End Regatta and will put in on the schedule.

Fleet captain: Ed absent. Joy will get information about the last race from him. Steve shared his experiences from the race. The next race will be after our September meeting date.

Purser: Ardythe has stickers and patches. $2 for a patch; buy 2 patches get one free. Balance $2212.02. Joy and Joe will work on getting the bench memorial.

Raft up: Joe reported on the past raft ups that have occurred. Upcoming 8/19 Beatles theme, 9/9 Pirates of the Caribbean. He expressed his thanks to Brad and Mary for hosting the AYC luncheon.

Sea Scouts: none

Foghorn: Brad is continuing use of e-vites and calling reminders. He encouraged members to talk with new sailboat owners at the marina.

Old Business: Talked about table placement at our dinner place.

New Business: Commodore’s Ball 11/11 volunteers for committee. If you have a boat for sale, send info to Scott and he will put it on our webpage.

Membership: Joe gave nametags/badges to Brad that we can use. Sean, Lauren, and Ava Thompson joined us tonight. Sean shared that he would like some help with sailing in higher winds.

Meeting adjourned at 8:39 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Laura Widmier, Yeoman

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